Friday, September 10, 2010

Web 2.0 Video from Youtube

To be honest it took me about three viewings and a lot of readings to get what this video was about. In doing that I finally got it, at least the basic concept. My understanding of the Web 2.0 web applications video on YouTube is that it highlights the main features of the application which is that it that facilitate interactive information. It gives users the open option to network or work in partnership with each other in a social media setting. The video highlighted the fact that web 2.0 is very user friendly and that it allows the user the opportunity to be “in charge”. Even amateurs can contribute to the world of technology; For me this is very important because it speaks also to the fact that one does not necessarily have to be a “computer whiz” to be a part of using and/or including technology in ones everyday life.
In reflecting on the video, it became evident that, although we often don’t think about it, we know a lot more about the web than we think. I am always, the first to say I know nothing about computers or the web but after viewing this video, the truth is I know a lot more than I thought. The technical stuff no, but the fact is I find myself on the social network site “ Facebook” almost daily, I have a “twitter” account that I use occasionally to follow my favorite movie stars and celebrities, evidence to the fact that I am a part of this big phenomenon.

The video suggests “we are the web”, and until today I never really thought about it in that regard. I have sent pictures and messages to my family and friends, posted YouTube videos, commented on blogs and various articles and it never dawned on me that “we really are the web”; that it is a collection of all our ideas with people linking and connecting all over.

Finally, another aspect of the video I found quite interesting was that it made me think about the whole concept of copyrights. On the web, articles and blogs are generally free, people write and post valuable information everyday. The question is, with all the blogging, texting and posting how do we prevent others from stealing our ideas? Ethics, governance and privacy were also a few big concerns for me as a read various articles and reflected on the message in the video. We have become so free with this application and with technology in general that anything is possible. The reality is this technology is far ahead of our legal system and it is my opinion that if we are to truly utilize all the positives we must also visit the negatives. Web 2.0 undoubtedly has numerous advantages, what about the disadvantages.


  1. I love your take on this. You are original, very forthright and honest. I myself had some of your views. I went as far as to share the video with my son. He was impressed by how well the student handled her tech tools and was so young. We are really 'the web'. It's what we do, what we say in our posts that make this such a great participatory site. Thanks for sharing.

  2. hey girl, you are so right. We narrow ourselves down and dont even realize that even the way we use our cell phones is one way in which we use technology. My son is always saying to me that all I have to do is to play around with the computer and then I will see that it is a way to learn how to do things. Can you imagine an 11 year old is saying that to me. maybe he said it because I am always bothering to help me with certain things.
