A Rutgers University student killed himself after two classmates allegedly streamed his sexual encounters (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/10/01/rutgers-student-suicide-renews-debate-cyberbullying)
Bullying has always been an important school issue. Unfortunately, with the creation of new technology, the internet and the growing inclination towards social media, there has been the materialization of a new type of bullying; “the cyber bullying”. While it is portrayed that most bullying happens in schools, the internet has become a breeding ground for this hateful behavior and with deadly consequences.
Cyber bullying "involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, which is intended to harm others. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberbullying)
Cyber bullies can now hound their victims through hateful writings, in and outside the classroom and at any time of day, through various media such as instant messenger, texts and social networks where often the insult and threats can be given to a larger public medium; once online these can remain forever. Unlike other forms, cyber-bullying follows people into their private space. It allows the user to bully anonymously or from an unknown location, at any given time. With an increase in new technology comes new ways to bully, making the situation much worst. As educators it is also important to understand that these behaviors are not only limited to teens. Teachers find themselves being bullied with use of technology as well. If you go to the website “RateMyTeachers.com” (http://www.ratemyteacher.com) there are often awful comments posted about educators and administrators, surprisingly both by students and parents. It is evident that because of a digital separation, people are encouraged to misuse technology all in the name of “Freedom of Speech”
According to the cyber bullying research center (http://www.cyberbullying.us) approximately one third of online teenagers have been victims of cyber-bullying: the most common complaint has been about private information being shared , as in the case of 16 year old Megan Meier the Missouri teen who killed herself after being bullied on MySpace and for the Rutgers University student who killed himself after two classmates allegedly streamed his sexual encounters earlier this month. (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/10/01/rutgers-student-suicide-renews-debate-cyberbullying)
Today, increase media attention on bullying, along with the increasing inclination for the victims and/or their parents to resort to the courts, is seeing more and more schools and individuals being held accountable in law for their actions in this regard (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8127533.stm) Recently we had a problem at work where three students got into a huge altercation after two of the girls reportedly posted nasty messages repeatedly on the other girls’ Facebook page. This was taken into the school resulting in a physical altercation ending in the girls being suspended. The students were suspended for the fight not for the bullying as it was done off school property; this left much to be said.
The current internet usage policy at the school is the same as that of the county; students and parents at the beginning of the year are required to sign off on an “appropriate internet usage policy” form which states the internet will only be used for academic purposes only and although there are written policies about the use of cell phones and other electronic media in the school, (http://www.johnston.k12.nc.us/education/components/docmgr/default.php?sectiondetailid=6340&fileitem=26200&catfilter=ALL0 there are no written policy addressing cyber bullying or bullying for that matter. I can only imagine their legal battles if a serious incident were to occur regarding cyber bullying. There need to be some policy that holds students accountable for their actions off campus with administrators having the authority to address the issue.
It is important that school has an anti-bullying policy in place. By talking to students parents and teachers, about the negative effect of cyber bullying it can be brought out into the open and new initiatives on the issue can be set up in school and supported at home. To effectively address the problem of bullying, educators must create more proactive strategies, such as education, instead of reactive and punitive measures. The reality is that with today’s technology people are able to access the internet from anywhere and can upload videos directly from their cell phones making cyber bullying so easy.
Teachers and Administrators need to have a community based approach to combat cyber-bullying especially when our students are involved. Parents also have to be more engaged in their children’s online activities. It is important to make students aware of using the internet safely and be held accountable for their actions.